What is this all about? Read the Introduction : http://ow.ly/aOKXa
Watch Gabi's vid Ancient Sumerian
Plot spoilers:
Gabi is putting
together clues from Bennett's blog and the hacked Hans Runig site. She's worked
out that the Sumerian symbols on Hans Runig's site also reads as the site
password. She's listened to conversations between Bennett and DiCanio and has
noticed that they mention an ancient race called the 'Anunnaki'. If you look at
archaeologyconspiracies.com you'll find an article Sumeria and the Anunnaki which
explains a bit about the Anunnaki - thought to be "a race of human-alien
hybrids who were sent to help humans build a civilisation".
If you look at the
article you'll also see that the symbols that spell 'Anunnaki' in Sumerian also
appear on the Adaptor:
And in the
article TranslateAncient Script there's a link to a document for translating Sumerian
to English. You can use this to translate the symbols on the Adaptor. Psysop
has posted a translation to his thread.
If you've read ICE
SHOCK you'll know that the Adaptor is one of the relics that is needed to
activate the Revival Chambers. We know from the news article at the beginning
of ICE SHOCK that Simon Madison has stolen the Adaptor. He, his father Marius
Martineau and someone known only as 'the Professor' - all members of the Sect
of Huracan - try to activate a Revival Chamber in the depths under Becan - near
to Ek Naab. You can see one side of the inscriptions on the Adaptor on the
hacked Hans Runig site.