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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 27

Gabi's final request for help

Gabi's blog has what looks like a farewell post...she's on her way to safety somewhere with Mary Carmen.

Her blog post includes Gabi's email address - she's promised to reply (eventually) if we send her our theory for who killed her dad.

Meanwhile, TheOldMan49 is still ranting on about the final clue being at Chaldexx

Still haven't spotted it...guess I need to look more closely.

Oh and...check out Psysop's account (look at post 26) of his version of Gabi's night run. His was way more dramatic than mine...I made her play too safe I think...

Still, you can play it over again.

So...anyone worked out who Hans Runig is?

ADDED LATER: Psysop's post (post 27, titled Gabi escapes with MCV & they meet up with JB) has an analysis of all the new details on the Chaldexx site. They may be the final clues needed to solve the mystery.