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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 6

What is this all about? Read the Introduction :

Watch Gabi's vids Helado and Test-tubes. Josh and Gabi met via Habbo Hotel.

A transcript of their conversation was posted on stickies (postit notes) in TheOldMan49's room (password was on a sticky in MariposaJosh's room). Thanks to Psysop from the unfiction forum for this transcript.

Password spoiler: (highlight below)
The password for TheOldMan49's room was Watcher.

You can find the notes here too:

Screen shots of the stickies (Habbo meeting):
Messages: 1 - 12
Messages: 13 - 20

Plot spoiler: (highlight below)
In Habbo, Josh and Gabi discuss the strange plastic test-tubes that Gabi found in her dad's freezer. Gabi won't hand them over to the police...just in case it makes the bio-terrorist rap stick even harder. Josh suggests that she tries to have the contents analysed. Josh warns Gabi that she may get into deep trouble if she gets more involved.