What is this all about? read the introduction: http://ow.ly/aOKXa
Watch Gabi's video: Found Him. Find Jackson Bennett's blog (password
needed - see spoiler section below).
Read posts on 2nd (Monday) and 3rd (Tuesday) On 4th
Jackson has posts which mention Chaldexx in the title - find
Hey - loads happening
Gabi starts
looking at her dad's blog and Jackson Bennett's blog - she works out from a
hint on Bennett's first post that the password is (highlight spoiler) isa.
Plot spoilers:
(highlight below)
Gabi's dad was working
with this company called Chaldexx www.chaldexx.com -
fact that's where he was visiting when away on a trip at the beginning.
Meanwhile Bennett uses his blog to communicate with the person who helped him
to escape - a woman who signs herself MCV.
Reading the blog posts,
it looks like MCV and Bennett also had a fling - and they're getting all
romantic. Mainly though they talk about what MCV has been doing to solve the
mystery of - you guessed it - what is in the test-tube that PJ Beltran gave to
MCV goes to a friend
who runs a lab (Magda Poborsky). She finds that the test-tube contains a DNA
sequence - Bennett and her call it the BELTRAN sequence. A completely unknown
sequence - not found in any plant or animal on Earth! (alien interference anyone?)
Bennett types the
sequence into a Web browser and gets taken to a Website where there's a chat
window. He chats with someone online called HANS RUNIG - someone who seems to
know who Bennett is. But as Bennett chats he realises that his IP address is
being traced. This could lead to his location being discovered. He cuts the
internet connection. MCV says she's coming back to her flat.
NB - around this time
MCV learns that PJ Beltran is dead - she's upset. He was her cousin! Now we
know why MCV's telephone number was written on the test-tube that PJ gave to
Bennett - he wanted to lead Bennett to MCV, just in case.
There are more posts on
Bennett's blog after that but they have a different password.
Password spoiler:
(highlight below)
The password for the
posts after 4th, Wednesday on Bennett's blog is genetica
I found this on a
sticky written (in Morse code) by Psysop in Habbo. Psysop got it from
TheOldMan49's twitter feed, where TheOldMan49 tweeted it in code.
Resume spoiling of
(highlight below)
Now...it starts to get
complicated. A whole other story emerges between Jackson Bennett and MCV.
Bennett gets an
invitation - out of the blue - to visit the top scientist at Chaldexx in
Switzerland (her name is Melissa DiCanio). MCV and Bennett agree to part -
Chaldexx's private jet will get him out of Mexico quietly so whoever is after
him will be shaken off. MCV says she'll hide out in a hotel at the beach.
Bennett begins to
understand the nature of the work that PJ was doing. It gets a bit sciency! The
gist is that
PJ was working with
Chaldexx on some super-secret project involving a maize gene called
Bennett works on a
related gene - joust - from fruitfly. But there's also a human version. And the
human version - Melissa DiCanio claims, can give certain people the power of
mind control.
Meanwhile, Bennett
talks again to HANS RUNIG.
BOTH Runig and DiCanio
wants Bennett to go to Iraq to get an ancient artefact. It can only be touched
by people protected by a certain gene...and Bennett has the gene (aha - a
connection with Invisible City!).
Bennett decides to
accept the mission for DiCanio/Chaldexx and NOT Runig. He's all set to go to
Iraq when MCV discovers something ominous in an ancient Sumerian inscription -
and she warns him not to go.
But is it already too