Soon afterwards, Gabi Beltran's father, Dr. PJ Beltran was murdered in Mexico City. A number of articles appeared in the press, which discussed a number of theories.
The murder remains unsolved to this day.
Gabi didn't believe the theories, especially not the story the police seemed to believe. She began to discuss her father's murder with his godson, a 14-year old boy named Josh Garcia.
Josh Garcia also wrote a blog - The Joshua Files.
Gabi and Josh started to communicate via their blogs. Sometimes they'd arrange to meet in a virtual chat space for teenagers known as Habbo Hotel.
They were trying to solve the mysterious death of Gabi's father, Dr. PJ Beltran. They got too close to the truth.
Gabi went missing one night. She hasn't been seen since. There's been no more activity on her blog. Josh Garcia too, has gone quiet.
I've set up this blog because there are still so many unanswered questions. I think I may know what happened.
If you'd like to try your hand at solving this mystery, look at some of the Websites in the sidebar.
Where to start? Well, you could try watching Gabi Beltran's story unfold on her blog.
If you're smart, it's possible to work your way through and come up with a theory. It might even be the same as mine...
If you think you're ready to post a theory about what happened to Gabi Beltran, leave a comment.